yellow brick road

You dropped your soap and slipped! You fell into the river! Well, you recovered and found the soap again, but your towel floated down the river and is lost. You're back on the path, but naked.

you have:Quest: free Prince Danbri
a bar of soap
go back to the witches
walk some more
try to swim
start over

<RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns="" xmlns:g="htp://" >
<Description about="#yellow brick road">
<g:story rdf:resource="#You dropped your soap and slipped! You fell into the river! Well, you recovered and found the soap again, but your towel floated down the river and is lost. You're back on the path, but naked."/>
<Description about="#player">
<g:is at rdf:resource="#yellow brick road"/>

<Description about="#yellow brick road">
<g:link rdf:resource="#go back to the witches"/>
<Description about="#yellow brick road">
<g:link rdf:resource="#walk some more"/>
<Description about="#yellow brick road">
<g:link rdf:resource="#try to swim"/>

<Description about="#yellow brick road">
<g:take rdf:resource="#a large purple bath towel"/>
<Description about="#player">
<g:has rdf:resource="#Quest: free Prince Danbri"/>
<Description about="#player">
<g:has rdf:resource="#a bar of soap"/>