
You get wet. You lose lots of stuff, but you get clean. The river is very rapid here, and you're carried along to some rocky rapids! On no! But worse! There's a waterfall! You fall far and dive into a deep pool.

you have:Quest: free Prince Danbri
walk some more
start over

<RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:g="htp://www.holoweb.net/~liam/rdfg/" >
<Description about="#river">
<g:story rdf:resource="#You get wet. You lose lots of stuff, but you get clean. The river is very rapid here, and you're carried along to some rocky rapids! On no! But worse! There's a waterfall! You fall far and dive into a deep pool."/>
<Description about="#player">
<g:is at rdf:resource="#river"/>

<Description about="#river">
<g:link rdf:resource="#walk some more"/>

<Description about="#river">
<g:take rdf:resource="#a large purple bath towel"/>
<Description about="#river">
<g:take rdf:resource="#a bar of soap"/>
<Description about="#river">
<g:take rdf:resource="#a metal collar"/>
<Description about="#river">
<g:take rdf:resource="#the sword of Rand"/>
<Description about="#river">
<g:take rdf:resource="#a piece of XML"/>
<Description about="#river">
<g:take rdf:resource="#Prince Danbri"/>
<Description about="#river">
<g:take rdf:resource="#internal_error"/>
<Description about="#player">
<g:has rdf:resource="#Quest: free Prince Danbri"/>